Yum Peaceful Cooking: 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Krusteaz Shortbread Pecan Pie Bars and Giveaway

I'm going to try and make this short and sweet....although I've never been able to accomplish that in the past.

But I'll try.

This is another Krusteaz Giveaway....with some really cool things

8 boxes of cookie mix!! (2 - Shortbread, 2 - Butter Vanilla Sugar, 2 - Snickerdoodle and 2 - Triple Chocolate Chunk), Then....there is a tote bag, an E-Z Deco Icing Pen, Edible Markers (SO COOL!!!) and a set of Christmas cookie cutters.

This set-up is perfect! Especially for kids. But since my kids are adults now, I had to borrow one, just to prove how much fun kids will have with this stuff. I let him do it all...start to finish (I did help with rolling out the cookie dough a little) and he was busy all day. Loving it. From mixing to icing to drawing with the pens.

And he did a great job!

Of course an adult would have loads of fun too. And I did, Only I made other things.

Like these Thumbprint cookies, using the Shortbread mix. The recipe is on the back of the box.

And of course I made the Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies but those didn't last long enough to photograph.

What I personally had the most fun doing, was making Shortbread Pecan Pic Bars.

Easy and delicious.

I started off by following the recipe for Krusteaz Shorbread. Instead of rolling it out and cutting it into rectangles, I placed the dough in a 13 x 9 casserole dish that was lined with parchment paper. I pressed it along the bottom, as evenly as possible, and up the sides a bit. This went into a 375' oven and baked for about 15 - 20 minutes, or until golden brown. 

What I didn't do...was prick the bottom with a fork. I didn't want holes that would allow the pecan mixture to escape through. Instead, once it was out of the oven, I let it cool some and then pressed the dough down. I does puff up....so in order to have a smooth surface for the pecan mixture...you will want to press it down with your hands.

But...make sure it's cool enough to the touch so you don't burn yourself.

Then I let it cool completely.

While the dough crust cooled, I prepared the filling:

Pecan Filling:

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 TB honey
2 TB granulated sugar
2 TB heavy cream
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups pecan halves
1/2 tsp vanilla

In a medium sauce pan over high heat, combine the butter, brown sugar, honey, granulated sugar, cream and salt. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Boil for about 1 minute, or until the mixture coats the back of your spoon.

Remove from heat and stir in the pecans and vanilla. 

Pour into your crust.

Reduce the oven heat down to 325' and bake for about 40-45 minutes, or until the mixture is bubbly. If you want a crispier crust, you can bake it a bit longer. 

Allow to cool completely before cutting.

And *POOF* you have yummy little sweets to share with everyone. Along with all the other cookies you've baked.

Ok...now for the important stuff....

How do you get a chance at winning all these goodies? Look below and do what it says. The more entries, the better your chance! 

This giveaway is open to continental US residents only. This giveaway will run from Wednesday, December 7, 2016 through Saturday, December 10, 2016 (11:59 pm PT). A winner will be notified within 48 hours of the close of the contest and given 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. 

I was not compensated for this post, however Krusteaz supplied me with samples. They are also supplying the products for the giveaway.  
All opinions are my own.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Krusteaz Muffin Waffles & Giveaway

I know you've seen the boxes at the market. I mean, they've been around for longer than you and I have been alive.

(So glad I can say that. They may not card me at the market anymore, but I'm still younger than Krusteaz.)

Although, age is a huge plus when it comes to product. They must be doing something right.

Besides making a reliable product, they keep up with the times as well. They know what we like. They know that when the weather cools we like seasonal flavors such as pumpkin and cranberry.

They also know that we are more and more conscientious about what we eat. They have gluten free mixes as well as organic. Although I'm going to be specifically talking about the fun seasonal flavors, I did want to let you know that there are other options.

Not that long ago, a big ole package full of 10 boxes of Krusteaz mixes, a cool tote, an oven mitt and a selfie stick arrived at my door. Yes, I now own a selfie stick. I have to admit that I did need to read the directions to figure out how such a gadget works (another age reference? Hush).

Let me start by saying....it's been years since I've made pancakes. Everyone knows how good pancakes and muffins are and Krusteaz mixes are no exception. Simple, moist, fluffy....all those good things we expect. I had lots of fun making blueberry pancakes for breakfast. I only messed one of them up when I tried to flip the thing too soon, but we won't dwell on that.

What I really want to share with you is something totally cool! Did you know....that you can make waffles with muffin mix?

Ya!! For reals. You don't even have to do anything special to the mix. Simply follow the directions on the box and pour the mix into a waffle iron instead of a muffin pan.

How cool is that?!

What you see here is the lovely Cranberry Orange Muffin mix doing something so unmuffin like and she's totally loving it. A few minutes (3.5 - 4 in a Belgian waffle maker) and BAM! The aroma of sweet orange and tart cranberries begin to waif through the air and you find yourself counting the seconds until you can scoop her onto a plate.

Oh baby....let me introduce you to Mr. Maple Syrup.

Pumpkin Spice was just as nice. A side of basted eggs and bacon are a must. Next thing you know, you've got yourself a breakfast fit for a lumber jack because, of course, your eyes are much bigger than your stomach when you're anticipating something so delicious.

One bite....

Two bites....

Oh man. Such a fun Sunday morning breakfast.

Then.....if you have some of the mix left over? Just pour it into a muffin pan and bake them for later.

Nothing wasted. All's good in the world of Krusteaz.

(And I'm super stuffed!)

Now...you may have noticed the word GIVEAWAY in the title.

Guess what? You get a chance to try this out yourself. For free!

One lucky winner will receive the following Krusteaz products:

2 boxes of Buttermilk Pancake mix
2 boxes of Blueberry Pancake mix
2 boxes of Pumpkin Spice Pancake mix
2 boxes of Pumpkin Spice Muffin mix
2 boxes of Cranberry Orange Muffin mix
1 Krusteaz branded tote bag
1 Krusteaz oven mitt
1 Krusteaz selfie stick (it comes in instructions)

Just in time for the holidays!!!

This giveaway is open to US residents only. This giveaway will run from Tuesday, November 1, 2016 through Friday, November 7, 2016 (11:59 pm PT). A winner will be notified within 48 hours of the close of the contest and given 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. 

I was not compensated for this post, however Krusteaz supplied me with samples. They are also supplying the products for the giveaway.  
All opinions are my own.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Tocha Taters

Tocha means Happy Tea

And I received 6 lovely canisters of very happy tea indeed.

The fact that Tocha Organic Tea is certified organic, pure, and blended to support a holistic lifestyle, is just the tip of the iceberg of reasons why I have fallen in love with this tea. Their philosophy not only encompasses your wellness, in mind and body (based on a belief that food and medicine come from the same source), but maintains a responsibility to mother nature and the earth as a whole.

Drinking tea is a very soothing experience in general, but after reading the story behind Tocha Tea, a sense of peace and wellness found it's way into my cup.

But I don't want to just tell you how good your cup of tea will be. Or how good you'll feel drinking it. That's your own personal experience to discover. I want to share an unusual tea experience,

Through food.

Through one of my favorite foods, to be more precise.

Let me introduce you to tea seasoned potatoes.

Yes, I used Tocha Green Defense Tea as a seasoning. Once ground up, the tea became a wonderful rub that added a subtle, slightly earthy flavor to my potatoes. I chose the Green Defense Tea based on its aroma. I wanted something that wasn't too floral or sweet. If I were using it in a dessert, such as cupcakes or something of that sort, floral would be perfect. What I needed was something more savory.

My recipe is lose in measurements and only uses a few ingredients, but I'll give you some guidelines. The rest is up to you, based on taste.

Tocha Taters

4 or 5 potatoes
2 or 3 bags of Tocha Green Defense Tea
1 or 2 tablespoons of oil (I used duck fat)
Salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 375' F. Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray or line with parchment paper. I roasted mine in a cast iron skillet.

Remove the tea from the bags and place in a small food processor or spice-designated coffee grinder. Pulse and grind until the tea becomes a fine powder.

Cut the potatoes into chunks and place in a medium bowl. Pour the oil over the potatoes and toss until coated. Sprinkle desired amount the ground tea, tossing to coat evenly. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Roast for about 30 - 45 minutes, or until golden brown and tender. Serve hot.

 And there you have it. Delicious and unusual potatoes seasoned with a a tea that is just as beautiful inside as it is outside.

I was not compensated for this post,  All opinions are my own.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Ginger Peach Freezer Jam for #SundaySupper

I have a thing for freezer jam. A lifetime love affair actually. If my taste buds had them, they'd drop to their knees with each bite. It's the fresh fruit flavor that gets me every time because freezer jam is never heated which means the fruit isn't cooked. You mash, dice, mix and pour. The only heated ingredients are the water and pectin.

And it's super easy to make. No special equipment needed other than your clean sterile jars.

Peaches are in season right now....juicy and bursting with flavor. Perfect for making jam. Add a bit of ginger and you've taken things to a whole new level. Fresh, sweet and zingy.

Did I mention easy? (just want to make sure that sinks in).

Wash and peel your peaches and you're ready to roll!

Here's a little ginger tip before you get started. Use the edge of a spoon to scrape the skin off your ginger.

Want another tip? Keep your ginger in the freezer. Not only does it prolong the life, but frozen ginger grates super easily!

Ginger Peach Freezer Jam

Inspired by: Sure-Jell Peach Jam

3 cups cubed fresh peaches (about 2 lbs fully ripe peaches)
2 TB fresh grated ginger
2 TB fresh squeezed lemon juice
4 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup water
6 tablespoons fruit pectin

In a food processor, pulse your peaches until the desired chunkiness. Don't puree it. You want some of those bits and pieces of fresh fruit. This is jam, not jelly.

In a large bowl, combine the peaches, ginger, lemon juice and sugar. Let sit for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally
In a sauce pan, combine the water and pectin. Bring to a boil then stir while boiling, for 1 minutes.

Add the pectin to the peach mixture and stir for 3 minutes.

Pour into sterile jars within 1/2 inch from the rim. Put on the lids and let sit at room temperature for 24 hrs.

Store in the freezer for up to a year. Once opened, it keeps in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

Spread a little yumminess over your bagel and cream cheese for a breakfast treat.

Besides the obvious toast or bagel application, this will be great as an ice cream topping, or used as a glaze for some grilled pork tenderloin.

Today is all about peaches and our Sunday Supper team has got a bushel of recipes where peaches are the star....

Sides & Salads:
Main Dishes:
Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Southern Fried Squash #SundaySupper

Happy Father's Day!

I'm dedicating today's post to my daddy. He lives too far away for me to celebrate him in person so I've made a dish that represents him, and where he came from. A special connection that has always been important to me.

My dad grew up in a small town in Northern Alabama called Geraldine. He moved to California and pursued a successful music career and raised a family. Despite his claim to fame, he has always remained the down to earth, funny, and wonderful man that he was raised to be.

Some of you might recognize him

Growing up, my summer visits to Alabama made such a huge impact on me. Connecting with my dad's side of the family and his childhood, remains to this day a special part of who I am. I am, and will always be a daddy's girl. I am proud of my dad and proud to be his daughter.

Today, in honor of my dad and his roots, I am sharing a dish my grandmother used to make. The ingredients are simple and few. The quantities are subject to taste. So have at it, and enjoy a bit of soul from the south.

Southern Fried Squash 

2 yellow squashes
1/2 large onion
1/2 cup flour
Salt and pepper to taste
Oil for cooking

Slice the squash and the onion.

Heat a couple of teaspoon of oil in a skillet, over medium-low heat and saute the onions until soft and just starting to brown.

While the onions are cooking, sprinkle the squash with salt and pepper

Coat the squash with flour

When the onions are done, remove them from the pan and set aside. 

Add more oil to the frying pan, and turn the heat up just a little. Place the floured squash in a single layer in the pan to fry, turning to brown both sides. Remove and set aside for the next batch. This will only take a couple of minutes for each batch.

Once the last batch is cooked, return the already cooked squash to the pan along with the cooked onions. Toss and cook for another minute to reheat everything.

This is especially good with fried chicken, or pork chops, and a little side of collard greens or black eyed peas.

I'm not the only one getting all nostalgic today. Check out the other 50+ recipes that bring back wonderful memories from our Sunday Supper crew!

Main Dishes
Side Dishes
Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement

Monday, May 30, 2016

South Side Fizz Cocktail with #VOSSWater #Giveaway

Spring is almost over and summer is approaching fast. This was supposed to be a spring announcement, that VOSS released two new flavors. But in my life, spring arrived and change sprung. My computer was sick as a dog, I sold my house, packed 29 yrs worth of accumulation and moved.

Now I'm in a new place, missing my old kitchen with all it's counter space, and adjusting to new things.

I'm not settled into my new home quite yet. Actually far from it. But to be honest with you, I needed to turn my back on all those boxes, even just for a little bit, and focus on something other than "where am I going to put this?!"

So, back to my purpose. VOSS Water and their new unique, refreshing, sparkling water flavors.

If you're not familiar with VOSS, let me just give you a brief introduction. VOSS Water comes from Southern Norway and was founded by 2 boyhood friends who recognized the purity of the water from their small yet environmentally pristine nation. They take their environmental sustainability very seriously through their holistic approach and their dedication at becoming a carbon neutral company. All this while bringing us a naturally pure water that is also low in sodium and other minerals.

And now they're bringing in the fun by adding a little fizz and flavor: Lemon Cucumber, and Tangerine Lemongrass.

I seriously had to fight off my daughters from consuming it all before I could get my hands on it myself. This was a hot commodity, I'll tell ya. And rightfully so. The subtle and refreshing flavor combinations are a natural attraction. And of course, being 'VOSS', I mean, honestly who wouldn't feel just a little special drinking it! I won't go into my Norwegian decent that stirs just a bit of pride in there somewhere.

Besides drinking this straight from the bottle, I was given a few cocktail recipes, which of course I could not pass up. I mean, for reals....why would I? A refreshing, cool, crisp cocktail that is a perfect summer go-to. And with that said, I would like to introduce you to the South Side Fizz. I had to change it up just a bit because I couldn't find (and had never heard of) cucumber soda. And because I love cucumbers, I added a slice to mine.

South Side Fizz

12 mint leaves (or to taste basically. I used fewer as I'm not a huge mint fan)
1/4 oz Gin
1/4 oz Cointreau
VOSS Sparkling Lemon Cucumber Water
Slice of orange
Slice of lemon
Cucumber spear
Sprig of ming

Muddle the mint in the bottom of a shaker

Fill the shaker with ice. Add the Gin and Cointreau. Cover and shake a few times. Strain into a glass filled with ice and top it off with the VOSS Sparkling Lemon Cucumber Water. Garnish with a slice of orange, lemon, the cucumber spear and a sprig of mint.

If this is calling your name, then you're in luck! I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY! One lucky winner will receive one bottle each of these new unique VOSS Sparkling Water flavors. All you need to do is leave a comment and tell me where you dream of drinking it.

This giveaway is open to US residents only. This giveaway will run from Monday, May 30, 2016 through Sunday, June 5, 2016 (11:59 pm PT). A winner will be notified within 48 hours of the close of the contest and given 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. 

I was not compensated for this post, however VOSS Water supplied me with samples. They are also supplying 1 bottle each  of  VOSS Lemon Cucumber Sparkling water and Tangerine Lemongrass Sparkling water,  for the giveaway.  All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Boulder Organic Soup and Crusty Italian Bread

Boulder Organic Soup and Crusty Italian Bread

I love soup.

Not the typical canned soups with bland broth and high sodium. I rarely purchase processed soup. I rarely even go down the soup isle at the grocery store. Good soup is quick and easy to make and very versatile. It's the perfect answer when needing to clear out the veggies from your fridge.

However, there are times, when you need something on the go, you're rushed, or you just don't feel like cooking (or don't enjoy cooking, although if you're reading a food blog, I doubt that's the case). If you find yourself in any of these predicaments, don't grab the can. Go into the deli section and find yourself some real soup. Find yourself a container Boulder Organic Soup!

I had the pleasure of trying a few of these delicious, organic, gluten free soups. Talk about YUM factor! Each container is about 3 servings, and paired with some good bread, makes for the perfect meal when time is against you! Or take it to work and you have yourself 3 lunches for the price of one!

Boulder Organic uses locally grown produce as much as possible, is always gluten free, non gmo and of course organic. Not only are they doing good by preparing a very healthy product for the consumer, but they also donate to the local Community Food Share and other non-profits in their area.

I had the pleasure of doing an informal email interview with the Kate Brown, the Founder of President of Boulder Organic Foods. Please see read the interview at the bottom of this post for more insight to this wonderful company!

Although I tried a few flavors, Roasted Tomato Basil (pictured above), and Potato Leek, the Golden Quinoa and Kale was my favorite!

So very good! Nice chunks of tomato, carrots and kale....with oh so healthy quinoa all over the place. Perfect for those cold winter days/nights (although with the heat wave we're experiencing here, forcing us to wear our summer clothes, it's a bit challenging to go into more detail about how satisfying it is to eat hot soup in the winter0.

There are so many other flavors that I still need to try. Of course you can go on their website to find where you can purchase Boulder Organic Soup near you and see for yourself how many delicious soups there are to choose from.

In the meantime, let's talk about the bread you can make and serve with the soup (because I can't post anything without a recipe).

I found a wonderful Crusty Italian Bread recipe in the King Arthur's Flour Baker's Companion Cookbook, The biga (starter) is what makes this bread stand out from others. It gives it a depth of flavor that you can't get with other doughs (unless you're making sourdough). So plan ahead by a day....it'll be worth it! You'll love the soft, tender crumb as you bit through the firm crust.

Crusty Italian Bread

1 cup cool water
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon instant yeast

1/2 cup cool water
2 - 2.1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons instant yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1 egg white, lightly beaten mixed with 1 tablespoon water
Sesame seeds

To make the biga, combine all of the ingredients, mixing until well combined and a sticky dough forms. Cover and let rest at room temperature for 12 - 16 hours. During that time the dough will become softer and filled with bubbles.

Now for the dough: Add the water to your bubbly biga and mix until smooth. Add the flour, yeast and salt and knead until smooth. Allow to rest in a lightly greased bowl, covered, for about 1 1/2 hours. Deflate the dough every 30 minutes during this resting period.

Preheat your oven to 425'

Divide the dough into 3 equal sections, From the sections into balls and roll each ball into a 20" rope. Then you braid the ropes. For a great demo on how this is done, check out  King Arthur's Flour how-to video

Place the braided dough on a baking sheet that's been lined with parchment paper. Cover and allow to rest for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, until puffy. I always gently poke the dough with 2 fingers. If it springs back right away, it's not ready yet. If it springs back slowly...it's ready to go!

Brush the dough with the egg & water mixture then sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place the dough in the preheated oven and bake for 25-30 minutes. Allow to cool on a cooling rack. Slice and enjoy!

And don't forget to serve it with your favorite Boulder Organic Soup.

Interview with Kate Brown, Founder and President of Boulder Organic Foods

What inspired you to create Boulder Organic Foods?
My daughter had her tonsils removed and I went to the store to pick up soup for her.  When I began reading the ingredients list I was astonished about how much bad, unnecessary stuff was in the soups – even the organic options. I decided that I could do better. I knew how to make soup and I figured that others would prefer fresh, organic and nutritious options to offer their families.

How is your soup prepared?
Our soup is made in-house every day in small batches with the finest certified organic, gluten-free and non-GMO verified ingredients. And the soups are found in the grab-and-go and deli refrigerators of natural and conventional grocers nationally at similar price point to that of conventional soups.  I am exceptionally proud of our ingredients!

Which flavor is your favorite? 
It’s a tie between the Green Chile Corn Chowder and the Red Lentil Dahl.

What are the next flavor profiles Boulder Organic Foods will be pursuing? 
We have learned that exotic soup flavors just don’t appeal to most customers.  I think that soup is a very traditional, nostalgic and comforting food, so shoppers look for the old standbys and favorites.  We will continue to offer well-loved and traditional flavor profiles, with organic ingredients and cleaned up labels, that shoppers will consider a staple in their fridge. Stay tuned!

Do you plan on expanding the product line beyond soup? 
We certainly have considered an expansion.  It would make sense for us if our demand for fresh soup was leveling out, but we are nowhere near seeing a plateau in demand.  It’s been our position to pick one thing that we do really well and stick with it for a while. 

Do any of the soups have a special story behind their creation? 
Every single one has a history and some funny stories behind it!  I have definitely grown to love some particular vegetables that I didn’t previously like, due to the intense process of creating a new soup.  Butternut squash is a great example!  I didn’t appreciate the subtly of butternut squash until I started to play with flavors that enhance and amplify the deliciousness that is already there in the squash.  It is such a wonderful reward to find flavors that bring a look of delight to people’s faces when they try them!

Thank you Boulder Organic Foods and Kate Brown for giving me the opportunity to try your amazing soup! 

I was not compensated for this post, however Boulder Organic Foods supplied me with product coupons. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Cajun Style Gyro

These gems are bursting with flavor....tender, juicy and a bit spicy. We have here some Blackened Chicken, a Cajun Salsa, some delicious Cajun Dip drizzled all over it....all wrapped up in a pita.

Pure yum factor going on here.

The inspiration for such a diverse concoction comes from the tahini I used in the dip. Sesame King Cajun Tahini to be more specific. I had no idea there were flavored tahini's out there....so cool! They currently have Garlic, Honey, Cajun and Olive Oil flavors. All of which would be great in so many recipes. Hummus of course (how fun to have various flavor themes), dressings, sauces, dips.

Before Sunshine International Foods sent me some of their tahini, I had only used it in hummus. They have unknowingly guided me to expand my ways.

Cajun Dip

6 tablespoons Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon Sesame King Cajun Tahini
1 1/2 teaspoons cilantro, finely chopped
1 teaspoon cajun seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste (about a pinch)

Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl, cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

Cajun Salsa
1 large tomato
2 green onions
1 - 2 tablespoons cilantro, finely chopped
1/4 cup bell pepper, diced (use which ever color you prefer)
1/4 teaspoon creole seasoning
1 garlic clove, minced
Salt to taste

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

Blackened Chicken
3 or 4 Boneless, skinless chicken thighs (breasts can be used instead)
1 tablespoon creole seasoning
Olive oil

Preheat the oven to 400'F

Drizzle chicken with a small amount of oil then sprinkle a good amount of creole seasoning on both sides of the chicken.

Heat 2 teaspoons of oil an oven safe skillet over medium-high heat. Cook the chicken for a minute or so on each side. Place skillet in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.

Remove and cover lightly to rest. Slice thinly

Set up your station...

Grab a pita, and put it together the way you would a taco....meat, salsa and dip. Fold, wrap and chow!

The Cajun Tahini added depth to the dip. The tahini itself doesn't have heat to it, so don't worry about that if you shy away from spicy foods.

Sesame King Tahini is certified kosher, pasteurized and made in the USA. Plus, the list of ingredients is short and simple. Nothing in there that I don't recognize. Love that!

I was not compensated for this post, however Sesame King supplied me with product samples. All opinions are my own.