Yum Peaceful Cooking: Millet
Showing posts with label Millet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Millet. Show all posts

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Millet with Asparagus and Mushrooms

Many, many moons ago I raised and bred birds (at one point I had about 80) and millet was no stranger to me. I'd buy it by the bags full.

And feed it to my birds.

During my last trip to the farmers market, I asked a gal that had a nice spread of dried beans and grains if she had any quinoa. Her response was "I only sell stuff that's grown in the USA and quinoa isn't". I had never thought of that. Her next statement went something like this..."but I have millet. It's very similar to quinoa and is cooked the same way with just a bit more water. It has the same nutrients and a lot of people like it better because it doesn't have that 'soapy' taste that quinoa has." (well...if you rinse quinoa before cooking it, it will not have that undesirable hint of soap when cooked)....but I remained quiet and let her sell me a small amount of millet).

After some research on my part, I found out that millet doesn't have the same nutritional value as quinoa so don't get overly excited, although it is very good for you. I'd say it lies somewhere between quinoa and brown rice.  I do like the fact that it's grown in the USA. I think. Let me rephrase that. I like that it provides jobs here in the USA because it's grown here. Other than that, where food is concerned..."made in the USA" doesn't make me feel better about eating it.

But, I digress.

When cooking millet (btw, millet is not a grain. It's a seed.) the ratio to liquid is 3 to 1 (unlike quinoa and rice which is 2 to 1).  But, Just like the other two, if you want it dryer or wetter, just adjust the liquid ratio. Millet has a more earthy flavor to it and is actually quite good.

Especially when it's sauteed and cooked with veggies.

And I kinda liked the idea of feeding my family..."bird food".

Millet with Asparagus and Mushrooms
Printable Version

1 cup whole millet
3 cups chicken broth
2 tsp olive oil
4-6 crimini mushrooms, sliced
1/4 lb asparagus cut into 1-2" pieces (green beans are a great alternative)
Salt and pepper

In a dry sauce pan, over medium heat, brown the millet to give it a more nutty, toasty flavor. (this step is optional).

Pour 3 cups of hot chicken broth into the pan with the millet. Bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat to a simmer, cover and cook for about 20 - 25 minutes or until all of the liquid has been absorbed.

While the millet is simmering, in a medium skillet heat the olive oil. Add the sliced mushrooms and asparagus and saute until crisp tender or to your desired tenderness.

When the millet is cooked, fluff with a fork and toss in the cooked mushrooms and asparagus. Season with salt and pepper to taste.